Positive Behavior Interventions & Support (PBIS) is Jerger's school-wide discipline plan. The purpose of the plan is to teach,
support and recognize appropriate student behavior throughout the school in an effort to maintain a safe and orderly environment
that is conducive for optimal learning. Core components of Jerger's PBIS plan include clearly defined student behavior
expectations, rules, rewards and consequences to enable our students to meet and/or exceed state academic standards.
PBIS Home Support
What YOU Can Do to Help Your Child
Review the School/Classroom Behavior Matrix with your child(ren).
Teach and model respect and responsibility at home.
Cooperate fully with teachers, principals, and other school staff members and to encourage their children to follow all school rules.
Assume legal responsibility for the behavior of their children as determined by law and community practice.
Avoid criticizing staff members in front of your child(ren). Parents are encouraged to make an appointment and speak with the appropriate adult.
Follow established guidelines for addressing any concerns they may have about their children and school matters.
Continue to be an active parent in your child's education.