The NEFF representative will be in the THS Cafeteria during lunch today for Letterman Jacket orders. You must have your down payment in order to place the order.
Are you interested in building and programming robots? Engineering could be the course for you! Rising Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors who are interested in taking Engineering should make sure they sign up directly with Mr. Ariail this week.
This Thursday is a busy day. Book Club will meet in Ms. Strausser's room at 7:15am.
The baseball team will host their annual Fan Day this Saturday. The festivities will begin at noon. Come out and see the 2023 Diamond Dogs!
SENIORS: FAFSA Workshop, February 1, 2023 from 1:00-3:00 PM in the THS Media Center. Angie Wilson will be on campus for any assistance you may need.
PBIS is hosting the High School Student vs Faculty Basketball Game on March 9th. This game is a reward to students who meet the following criteria: Less than 3 unexcused absences (being READY TO LEARN), zero visits to Lunch Detention (being RESPONSIBLE), zero ISS or OSS days (being RESPECTFUL) and less than 3 unexcused tardies (being ALL THREE). Students can sign up to participate in the game by filling out the form sent to their student email. The winner will receive a trophy and be named ‘TCS Champions’ for the academic year!
Today's Diamond "T" Shout-Out goes to Sophomore Bryce Metcalf. Bryce picked up a lunch tray that was left behind on a table and was not his. Way to represent the "T"!
Go Dogs!