Congratulations to all of the Footsteps2Brilliance Winter Break Reading Challenge Winners! These students, representing all 3 elementary schools, were recognized last night at the January Board Meeting! #BulldogPride
about 5 years ago, TCityS
F2B Winter Break Challenge Winners
This is just a reminder that the Thomasville City Schools will be closed Monday, January 20th in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. We will see everyone on Tuesday, January 21st.
about 5 years ago, TCityS
SAVE THE DATE!! MONDAY, FEB 3, 2020!! Join us at Scott Elementary School for Pre-K Registration! For more information, please visit:
about 5 years ago, TCityS
Pre-K Registration
You're invited to meet Thomasville City Schools' Superintendent Ben Wiggins on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. in the Thomasville High School Cafeteria.
about 5 years ago, Thomasville City Schools
meet and greet
Join us Tuesday, January 14th for Elementary Recognition Night sponsored by THS Girls & Boys Basketball Teams! #BulldogPride
about 5 years ago, Athletics
Elementary Recognition Night
We can't wait to see what 2020 holds for Bulldog Nation! Students, we can't wait to see you on Tuesday! #BulldogPride
about 5 years ago, TCityS
Back from Winter Break
We hope everyone has a Merry Bulldog Christmas and a Happy New Year! We will see you on Tuesday, January 7, 2020! #BulldogPride
about 5 years ago, TCityS
winter break
Come hear from "The Tiger Rising" author, Kate DiCamillo, director - Ray Giarratana, and producers - Deborah Giarratana and Ryan Smith this Sunday! Scott and Harper were recently used as locations for the movie.
about 5 years ago, TCityS
The Tiger Rising. An afternoon with The Tiger Rising.
Celebrate Christmas with FCCLA on December 12th at THS. Bring the kiddos and have fun!
about 5 years ago, Thomasville City Schools
Covey Film Festival Children's Day is next Saturday! Movies, Times, and Locations located on Poster below!
over 5 years ago, TCityS
Join us Thursday for the Homecoming Parade and Community Pep Rally! #thshoco2019 #bulldogpride
over 5 years ago, TCityS
Hoco parade
Calling all Elementary and Middle School Students...Next Week is Spirit Week! We are encouraging ALL Thomasville City Schools students to participate! Below is a list of each day's theme to coincide with the High School Students's daily theme! #BulldogPride
over 5 years ago, TCityS
We’re thrilled to announce Thomasville City Schools’s new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, even emergency notifications! Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 5 years ago, TCityS
On Monday, September 16th, Thomasville City Schools will observe a Student Holiday and Staff Professional Learning Day.
over 5 years ago, TCityS
Tickets go on sale today at 9am!
over 5 years ago, TCityS
Have a happy and safe Labor Day weekend!
over 5 years ago, TCityS
Labor Day
IT"S GAME DAY DOGS!! We hope to see everyone tonight at The Jackets Nest for the BIG GAME! Kickoff is set for 8PM. Pre-sale continues today at 9am-3:30PM in the THS Dog Pen. All tickets are $8.
over 5 years ago, TCityS
Pre-Sale Tickets for Friday's Game are ON SALE NOW! #BulldogPride
over 5 years ago, TCityS
Central Game
Join Us for the Drive-Thru Pep Rally on Thursday from 5-7PM! #BulldogPride
over 5 years ago, TCityS
Pep Rally
Everyone knows what week it is! Let's show our #BulldogPride EVERY DAY this week! Then show up LOUD and PROUD Friday Night as we show who runs this town! #WeAreThomasville
over 5 years ago, TCityS
Riv Week